Friday, March 28, 2008

Latest Project

I've been pretty busy with work the past few days....for some reason the entire town except for a tiny chunk (including my work) didn't have power on Everyone decided they needed to come to the diner to eat...I was called out of bed early and had to rush in to the Wednesday equaled out to be an 11 hour feet are still swollen...

But amongst all this work I've managed to finish a little project I was working on...I woke up last weekend and felt that for some reason I needed to make a batch of felt I did...

This was the first stage...they look a little naked here

So then I added the tell tale spots....and TADA!!! A wonderful little batch of adorable felt toadstools....

I have no idea what I'm going to do with them yet...My brain tends so work in reverse some days...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I've had the last 2 days off work and it's been wonderful. I really needed the break from waiting tables. So far I've managed to catch up on a lot of projects I was working well as managed to shell out $1600 on my car...OUCH...oh was a bunch of work that needed to get done. And now she handles like a dream. And the passenger door no longer flies open at random moments. I've almost lost a few passengers because of that.

I finished a painting I've been working on...

"Under the Apple Tree"

This is part of a series that is going to feature my beloved Tomato Dragon and Spirit Badger. Our little ghostly mammal seems to only like to come out when Tomato Dragon is napping. It's hard to capture an image of them together...but i do my best.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thrifty finds

I didn't post anything over the weekend...I figured everyone was off hunting eggs or something. I spent a nice quiet day alone...well after I got home from work anyway, and just worked on some sketches for some possible upcoming stationary sets.

I just wanted to take a few moments to share some of my most recent thrift store finds...I was really tickled when I found this was just a plain, unfinished wood and rather dirty. But it was only $3 so I took it home. It's been sitting on my bedroom floor for about 3 months now. I finally went and bought a can of red spray paint today and gave it a coat. It's not quite done yet.

I went a local shop this afternoon after dropping my car off to get some work and i found these 3 awesome frames and this cute little bear. The guy sold it all to me for $1! I couldn't believe it. I almost felt bad and wanted to give him more but he said he was clearing house for spring. So...YAY for me! Lynus decided he wanted to inspect the new additions as well...

The top one here was actually just a greeting card that I really liked so I cut out some fabric and placed it behind and found a frame in my closet that was taking up space. The bottom pic I found at yet another thrift store across the street from the one with the bear. I couldn't leave it sitting even still has the original writing on the back "To Billy, With Love December 22, 1957" Someone's old christmas gift long forgotten until now. I also got a swell green checkered apron and an old Norman Rockwell tin that day.

I found this little picture at another place just up the road. It was laying in a pile of junk and covered in dust and i thought it was just adorable.

All and all some really awesome finds.

(on a side note...i just had a bite of the fried chicken Pat is cooking on the stove at the moment....Oh dear....wish you could have some's SO GOOD!)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Positively Pooped

It's been a really long day. Work just kicked my ass today. But i managed to finish a little project i was working on. I found a nifty sweater on clearance and decided it needed a little spoofing up. So i figured a little visit from Angry Butterfly couldn't hurt...and here's what I came up with...

I got the idea for the tree of another blog spot, and unfortunately I can't for the life of me remember who's it tree idea person...if you see this..i give you credit.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So...I've been on Myspace for several years now..and I write blogs on there occasionally, but I've decided that I'm feeling a wee bit too confined within the walls there...I feel i needed to branch out and start somewhere with a clean slate.

So here I am...residing in the den of one Mr. Tomato Dragon. I've decided to dedicate this blog spot to my crafting, be it knitting, painting...whatever. Punching a clock every day as been progressively
eating away at my soul for the past 10 years. I want to make a living at doing what a love (who doesn't) I figure this is my first step. Getting myself out there. I'll be posting new pieces on here as well as other artist's work that inspires me. I've opened at Etsy account as well so I'll hopefully have items up for sale there very soon.

It's hard trying to create when i have so little time. But eventually I hope to phase out my mundane job and replace it with this.

Fingers crossed to the point of breaking...