Friday, April 17, 2009

Still Sick

Yes...I am indeed STILL sick...going on 2 weeks now. I'm now on a healthy dose of antibiotics though so I'm starting to feel a bit better. I did manage to update the shop a few days ago with my last score. Now I'm feeling the itch to go out hunting for more finds...just not sure I'm up to it yet.

Squeaker is getting skinnier I think. But he's still acting like his tardo self and He's still eating and drinking. So I'm trying not to fret too much.

Ordered a new espresso machine yesterday HEE HEE HEE ours pretty much shit the bed. It was the last straw when the frother broke in half and started spitting foam everywhere.

Can my life get any more exciting pfft...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Caugh Hack Weeze

I think this is perhaps the WORST cold I've ever had. Hence the lack in shop updates. I've been bedridden almost all week in between work. I didn't go in at all on Thursday and that's not like me at all. So hopefully I'll be feeling better by Monday so I can get some photos taken of this stack of vintage I have here.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! I'm off to work...naturally...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Shop Updates

Due to the rather large score I made while thrifting yesterday, I'll be updating the shop a little at a time through out the week, so just keep checking to see if there's anything new up. Hopefully some day I can drop down my hours at my day job so I can dedicate more time to this blog and my Etsy.


On a side's my new boots that Gretta ate a hole in...I think I did a pretty good job at patching them with the leather repair kit...what a neat invention.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cloudy Days

I'll have a shop update within the next few days...I have a whole stack of items that need to be photographed, but I've discovered I can only get decent photos in my apartment between the hours of 9am-11am on a sunny day along the west wall of my bedroom...and unfortunately it's been rather cloudy and rainy here all week. The first sunny morning we get I'll jump on those photos.

Squeaker is still hanging in there...he's on subcutaneous fluid therapy at home once a week Pat and I have to hook him up to his IV bag and give him 200ML of fluid to help with the chronic dehydration. He's still drinking good and eating okay...lost a little more weight :( But he's a trooper.

And on a side note...I finally caved and bought myself a stellar new pair of knee high leather boots by London Underground...and after a WHOLE 3 times of wearing them...little Miss Gretta rat decided to chew a hole in the toe.


I'm off to the store for a leather repair kit....