Etsy Buy Handmade AngryButterfly |
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Under the Weather
Mentally I'm feeling a bit better...physically..well..not so much. That little tickle I had in my throat 2 days ago now feels like I'm breathing in razor blades each time I inhale...Guess after managing to avoid all the illnesses at work such as, the stomach flu, the swine flu, the regular flu, head colds, bronchitis, sinus infections, chest colds, pink eye and ear's probably about time I get sick. I'm going to give one last try and pound back some shots of hooch...that shit will kill anything.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Not a good week
My Calvin passed away at the vet's office in the early hours on Monday morning...his little heart just gave out...I'm so sad that I didn't get to be there with him or say a proper goodbye like I did with Squeaker...but I am glad that it was quick and he wasn't in pain. I had 10 and a half wonderful years with him and I'm heartbroken that I've lost another of my kittie kids.
He's wrapped in his blanket with his favorite toy in his arms and buried next to his brother, Squeaker. I'm sure they're fighting already.

He's wrapped in his blanket with his favorite toy in his arms and buried next to his brother, Squeaker. I'm sure they're fighting already.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Miss Ruby Cube's
Finally got the other shop up and running...Angry Butterfly is now strictly vintage while Missrubycube's is all my crafty shite...
Etsy Buy Handmade MissRubyCube |
Etsy Buy Handmade AngryButterfly |
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Little Smiles
I was sitting around this evening, listening to the summer thunder storm outside and it made me smile. I started thinking about the hustle and bustle of daily life and how stressful it can seem..and then such a simple thing as a rain storm can bring a genuine smile to my face and ease the tension. There are so many little things in this world that do that for me.
I decided to just snap a few shots of some of my favorite things around the house that always make me feel happy. It's a way of letting me show my readers some of those things that are an extension of who I am.
First, and foremost is Mr. Pat Cohen, an amazing tattoo artist and fisherman, crazy person, goofball, and love of my life. He brings chivalry back with style.

Secondly, is Mr. Calvin. He's the naughty one of the bunch. He's discovered that negative attention is still attention. My Squeaker kittie that passed away recently was Calvin's brother, so I'm glad I still have him with me.

And then there's Mr. Lynus, my little pansy fluff ball. If you look up momma's boy in the dictionary there will be a picture of him clinging to me. My kittie kids have gotten me through some of the toughest periods in my life and I don't know what I would have done without them.

This is my favorite corner of the apartment. It has some of my most precious treasures. Most of it would be junk to others, such as my collection of dead bumblebees that I find, but to me these are things that make me grin in their beauty and their silliness.

The little black and white photo on the top shelf is my favorite one of me and my mother. It was taken in 1980 when we lived in Florida. I'd kill to have her dress to wear now. The glass apothecary jar has one of my terrariums I made with some of my bumblebees. (none were killed by me btw...I just happen to find dead ones a lot for some reason)

One of my favorite little bicycles that I own and a few random old books. The Voltaire book belonged to my grandfather. It's one of the only things I have that belonged to him other than several old timey country vinyl albums.

I love flowers...even if they're fake...the girls at work gave me these with the cat mug and stuffed kittie as a present for stopping by on my day off to help them out when they were slammed. You can't see it in the photo but there's a little antique mouse brooch...he lives on the little blue sofa.

That's another favorite bicycle of mine. My old copies of Treasure Island and The Secret Garden. The other is a book of childrens' folk tales that I've had since I was a baby. The owl I made from an old tweed coat I got for a dollar.

This is my favorite picture of my mom when she was little. That's her Cry Eye Clown and she has no idea what ever happened to it.

My favorite original painting that my dear friend Douglas gave to me. We're both coconut cream pie connoisseurs and 2 sad little misfit robots.

My beloved hot air balloon I bought on a trip to Mystic CT.

I got this beautiful glass piece at a yard sale for a dollar. The tea cup is my favorite one. It's so pretty, but it got a crack in the bottom, so I planted a little cactus in it so I could still keep it.

Two of my favorite dishes in one night. Spicy African Peanut Soup and fried eggplant. Pat makes them both amazing!

Last year's set of baby triplets. We have a new set this year...triplets again but I haven't been able to get a photo yet. They make me laugh when they frolic out back under the apple trees...never mind we live right in town :P

That's all I have for the moment. I keep thinking of things I could add...which makes me happy because they're things I wasn't even thinking of before I started writing this entry. It just shows that even when you're feeling blue and having a tough go of it, there are always little things you can think of to cheer yourself up.
Or just go to Wal-mart and laugh at all the mullets...I do that too.
I decided to just snap a few shots of some of my favorite things around the house that always make me feel happy. It's a way of letting me show my readers some of those things that are an extension of who I am.
First, and foremost is Mr. Pat Cohen, an amazing tattoo artist and fisherman, crazy person, goofball, and love of my life. He brings chivalry back with style.
Secondly, is Mr. Calvin. He's the naughty one of the bunch. He's discovered that negative attention is still attention. My Squeaker kittie that passed away recently was Calvin's brother, so I'm glad I still have him with me.
And then there's Mr. Lynus, my little pansy fluff ball. If you look up momma's boy in the dictionary there will be a picture of him clinging to me. My kittie kids have gotten me through some of the toughest periods in my life and I don't know what I would have done without them.
This is my favorite corner of the apartment. It has some of my most precious treasures. Most of it would be junk to others, such as my collection of dead bumblebees that I find, but to me these are things that make me grin in their beauty and their silliness.
The little black and white photo on the top shelf is my favorite one of me and my mother. It was taken in 1980 when we lived in Florida. I'd kill to have her dress to wear now. The glass apothecary jar has one of my terrariums I made with some of my bumblebees. (none were killed by me btw...I just happen to find dead ones a lot for some reason)
One of my favorite little bicycles that I own and a few random old books. The Voltaire book belonged to my grandfather. It's one of the only things I have that belonged to him other than several old timey country vinyl albums.
I love flowers...even if they're fake...the girls at work gave me these with the cat mug and stuffed kittie as a present for stopping by on my day off to help them out when they were slammed. You can't see it in the photo but there's a little antique mouse brooch...he lives on the little blue sofa.
That's another favorite bicycle of mine. My old copies of Treasure Island and The Secret Garden. The other is a book of childrens' folk tales that I've had since I was a baby. The owl I made from an old tweed coat I got for a dollar.
This is my favorite picture of my mom when she was little. That's her Cry Eye Clown and she has no idea what ever happened to it.
My favorite original painting that my dear friend Douglas gave to me. We're both coconut cream pie connoisseurs and 2 sad little misfit robots.
My beloved hot air balloon I bought on a trip to Mystic CT.
I got this beautiful glass piece at a yard sale for a dollar. The tea cup is my favorite one. It's so pretty, but it got a crack in the bottom, so I planted a little cactus in it so I could still keep it.
Two of my favorite dishes in one night. Spicy African Peanut Soup and fried eggplant. Pat makes them both amazing!
Last year's set of baby triplets. We have a new set this year...triplets again but I haven't been able to get a photo yet. They make me laugh when they frolic out back under the apple trees...never mind we live right in town :P
That's all I have for the moment. I keep thinking of things I could add...which makes me happy because they're things I wasn't even thinking of before I started writing this entry. It just shows that even when you're feeling blue and having a tough go of it, there are always little things you can think of to cheer yourself up.
Or just go to Wal-mart and laugh at all the mullets...I do that too.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Updates and Such
I haven't been in much of a blogging mood for awhile now. Dealing with Squeaker's illness and shit at work has left me drained. My little kittie passed away a week ago now and I'm still feeling heartbroken. He went very peacefully at the vet's office and we buried him in Pat's mom's yard beneath a bird house where the squirrels and chipmunks scamper all day. I hope he likes it there.
I've been contemplated splitting my Etsy shop into two. It seems to be getting very cluttered with all the vintage mixed in with my decoupage and knits. So I think this upcoming week sometime I'll split and have Angrybutterfly strictly vintage and start another for all my crafty stuff.
We're also in the process of finding a new town to move to. I've finally convinced the hubby that this town blows and there's nothing here for either of us. Once a week we've been exploring some place new. I'm hoping we find a town soon that feels right. I'm about DONE with this one.
I did a small shop update yesterday. I'll hopefully have some more items by next week to put up. We'll see how my work schedule is first *sigh*
I've been contemplated splitting my Etsy shop into two. It seems to be getting very cluttered with all the vintage mixed in with my decoupage and knits. So I think this upcoming week sometime I'll split and have Angrybutterfly strictly vintage and start another for all my crafty stuff.
We're also in the process of finding a new town to move to. I've finally convinced the hubby that this town blows and there's nothing here for either of us. Once a week we've been exploring some place new. I'm hoping we find a town soon that feels right. I'm about DONE with this one.
I did a small shop update yesterday. I'll hopefully have some more items by next week to put up. We'll see how my work schedule is first *sigh*
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Holistic Healing
I've been a bit preoccupied lately with the shop and more importantly with Squeaker and his declining health. Blog entries have been the last thing on my to do list. Squeaker is down to just over 5 pounds right now and is loosing strength in his back legs. The other night he tried to jump onto the coffee table and fell down pretty hard. I burst into tears and just hugged him. This whole battle with his kidney failure has been just heartbreaking. Seeing my baby just deteriorate when I've tried everything I can think of to get him to eat and drink enough.
With a lot of thought I made the difficult choice yesterday to have him euthanized. It was the most difficult decision I think I've had to make. I don't like playing Mother Nature. But last night the little stinker gave me a funny look and then ate an entire can of food, which he hasn't done in over 2 months. Then he ate good again this morning and just stared at me afterwords. Something just told me that today was not the day. He's still fighting and as long as he's going to keep at it so am I.
I got online and began doing research on holistic diets for pets and the benefits, particularly for cats in renal failure. There was a lot of information online and I feel that I need to at least try this for his sake and for my own before I can completely say I actually did everything I could.
So fingers crossed for my little bugger.
As for the's been slowly getting updated throughout the week. I just put up a few items this morning and I have some more that need to be photographed. My hobby is slowly becoming a second job...hopefully someday It could become my only job
Fingers and toes crossed for that one...
With a lot of thought I made the difficult choice yesterday to have him euthanized. It was the most difficult decision I think I've had to make. I don't like playing Mother Nature. But last night the little stinker gave me a funny look and then ate an entire can of food, which he hasn't done in over 2 months. Then he ate good again this morning and just stared at me afterwords. Something just told me that today was not the day. He's still fighting and as long as he's going to keep at it so am I.
I got online and began doing research on holistic diets for pets and the benefits, particularly for cats in renal failure. There was a lot of information online and I feel that I need to at least try this for his sake and for my own before I can completely say I actually did everything I could.
So fingers crossed for my little bugger.
As for the's been slowly getting updated throughout the week. I just put up a few items this morning and I have some more that need to be photographed. My hobby is slowly becoming a second job...hopefully someday It could become my only job
Fingers and toes crossed for that one...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Shop Update
Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade |
Now I really need some breakfast!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Still Sick
Yes...I am indeed STILL sick...going on 2 weeks now. I'm now on a healthy dose of antibiotics though so I'm starting to feel a bit better. I did manage to update the shop a few days ago with my last score. Now I'm feeling the itch to go out hunting for more finds...just not sure I'm up to it yet.
Squeaker is getting skinnier I think. But he's still acting like his tardo self and He's still eating and drinking. So I'm trying not to fret too much.
Ordered a new espresso machine yesterday HEE HEE HEE ours pretty much shit the bed. It was the last straw when the frother broke in half and started spitting foam everywhere.
Can my life get any more exciting pfft...
Squeaker is getting skinnier I think. But he's still acting like his tardo self and He's still eating and drinking. So I'm trying not to fret too much.
Ordered a new espresso machine yesterday HEE HEE HEE ours pretty much shit the bed. It was the last straw when the frother broke in half and started spitting foam everywhere.
Can my life get any more exciting pfft...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Caugh Hack Weeze
I think this is perhaps the WORST cold I've ever had. Hence the lack in shop updates. I've been bedridden almost all week in between work. I didn't go in at all on Thursday and that's not like me at all. So hopefully I'll be feeling better by Monday so I can get some photos taken of this stack of vintage I have here.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! I'm off to work...naturally...
Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! I'm off to work...naturally...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Shop Updates
Due to the rather large score I made while thrifting yesterday, I'll be updating the shop a little at a time through out the week, so just keep checking to see if there's anything new up. Hopefully some day I can drop down my hours at my day job so I can dedicate more time to this blog and my Etsy.
On a side's my new boots that Gretta ate a hole in...I think I did a pretty good job at patching them with the leather repair kit...what a neat invention.
On a side's my new boots that Gretta ate a hole in...I think I did a pretty good job at patching them with the leather repair kit...what a neat invention.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Cloudy Days
I'll have a shop update within the next few days...I have a whole stack of items that need to be photographed, but I've discovered I can only get decent photos in my apartment between the hours of 9am-11am on a sunny day along the west wall of my bedroom...and unfortunately it's been rather cloudy and rainy here all week. The first sunny morning we get I'll jump on those photos.
Squeaker is still hanging in there...he's on subcutaneous fluid therapy at home once a week Pat and I have to hook him up to his IV bag and give him 200ML of fluid to help with the chronic dehydration. He's still drinking good and eating okay...lost a little more weight :( But he's a trooper.
And on a side note...I finally caved and bought myself a stellar new pair of knee high leather boots by London Underground...and after a WHOLE 3 times of wearing them...little Miss Gretta rat decided to chew a hole in the toe.
I'm off to the store for a leather repair kit....
Squeaker is still hanging in there...he's on subcutaneous fluid therapy at home once a week Pat and I have to hook him up to his IV bag and give him 200ML of fluid to help with the chronic dehydration. He's still drinking good and eating okay...lost a little more weight :( But he's a trooper.
And on a side note...I finally caved and bought myself a stellar new pair of knee high leather boots by London Underground...and after a WHOLE 3 times of wearing them...little Miss Gretta rat decided to chew a hole in the toe.
I'm off to the store for a leather repair kit....
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One sick kittie kid
I've been on a rather lengthy hiatus. Lack of motivation was a partial factor. A sick kittie kid was another. It's been a rough month emotionally for myself and Pat. Squeaker, my beloved kittie son of 9 years has fallen ill. He's lost half his body weight and the vet believes that he's in full renal failure. I spent all last week bawling my eyes out. The thought of losing one of my babies is just breaking my heart. Squeak spent 3 miserable days at the vet hooking up to an IV. After the vet said there was nothing they could really do I decided to bring him home to be more comfortable. She said he had stopped eating so it probably wouldn't be long before I had to bring him back to be put down.
So what does the little stinker do when I get him home...walks right out of his carrier and starts eating the food I put down for him. He's going to the bathroom fairly normally now and drinking good and I caught him 2 days ago tossing his toy mouse around like he was a kitten.
All in all he sure isn't acting like a kittie on his way out. The vet is a wee bit stumped. We've decided to just keep an eye on him and keep him on antibiotics and see what happens. I'm trying not to get my hopes up just in case he does a 180 but it's hard not to when he looks like he did before he got sick...minus several pounds.

Other than that drama nothing is new. Still plugging away at my Etsy shop. I've made a few more sales which is very encouraging. I have a bunch of new stuff to put up in the's just a matter of finding the time to do so. I'm on six days this week at work so there's not much free time at the moment. I'll probably just get a couple things up at a time throughout the week.
on that note...guess I better get started...
So what does the little stinker do when I get him home...walks right out of his carrier and starts eating the food I put down for him. He's going to the bathroom fairly normally now and drinking good and I caught him 2 days ago tossing his toy mouse around like he was a kitten.
All in all he sure isn't acting like a kittie on his way out. The vet is a wee bit stumped. We've decided to just keep an eye on him and keep him on antibiotics and see what happens. I'm trying not to get my hopes up just in case he does a 180 but it's hard not to when he looks like he did before he got sick...minus several pounds.

Other than that drama nothing is new. Still plugging away at my Etsy shop. I've made a few more sales which is very encouraging. I have a bunch of new stuff to put up in the's just a matter of finding the time to do so. I'm on six days this week at work so there's not much free time at the moment. I'll probably just get a couple things up at a time throughout the week.
on that note...guess I better get started...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Okay...time to recap what I've been up to lately...other than being a lazy ass at this page...pfft...
It's actually been a rather strange week...there has been 5 deaths that I know of in the past several days. No one that was close to me, but still some have affected me emotionally. Most notably was the tragic suicide of a friend's sister. I didn't know her sister personally, but just seeing the heartbreak it's caused her is enough to affect anyone with a heart. It makes me think of my own sister, still battling cancer, and how I could potentially loose her has well. Truly something I hope I never have to deal with. Another was a regular at the diner. A sweet older lady who passed quite suddenly. She had medical problems but it was still quite a shock. Yet another...and this one made me sad oddly enough, was one of the town drunks...I'm going to miss seeing him parked out on the bench across from the tattoo shop. He was one of the many that we wanted to make into a series of Cobleskill trading cards...the weirdos in this town are too fabulous not to share with each other. Anyway...long story short...a very strange week. Left me feeling "off" for lack of a better word.
On a more positive chest piece if FINALLY complete...

that was a four month headache for Pat and I and now it's done and over and I never have to do it again..well...minus a few small touch ups that Pat insists on doing where the ink came out...excuse the horrible cropping was midnight and photoshop was being a real bitch...
I've been working on a few projects as well...just random things...a patchwork scarf to use up a bunch of yarn scraps, as well as a decoupage job on my night stand shelf. It was so drab and boring that it needed a makeover. My sewing table, which is rarely used for sewing, is absolutely trashed at the moment.

Which means the bedroom floor is trashed as well with all my jewelry and random scatterings strewn about. Pat hasn't said anything, but I can see his eye ball twitching. Poor dear. I drive him bonkers. He retaliates well though with endless bouts of rambling on fly fishing and the various species of trout in the Schoharie Creek. Evil evil man...
Well..not that evil..he bought me a wonderful book for Valentines Day. It's called "The Book Of Botanical Prints" and is chock full of beautiful lithographs from the 1600's. I bought him a mint condition vintage straight razor. We're such a romantic couple :P I even made him marshmallows...I think we are officially both addicted to them and my require a twelve step in the future.
On a final mom has surprised me twice in the past few weeks. She stopped by last week with a gift for me.

A doll she made...most appropriately named "Splat" I was so happy to have something that she actually made. And then she surprised me yet again with the little gingham doll on the right. That is a genuine Lolly Doll by Fisher Price from the mid-seventies. I had one ever since I was a baby and sadly she was lost when I left Arizona and my ex threw most of my belongings away...grrrr...I was really heartbroken that she was gone...
My mother being the bestest mom in the world completed her very first purchase on Ebay and bought me another. I was so touched I cried. And Pat has discovered that I tuck both Splat and Lolly, along with Mr. Pig, in at night along side the bed...and he has given me a "look"
whatever...i'm not the one who decided it was a good idea to spray paint wooded lures INSIDE THE HOUSE...
It's actually been a rather strange week...there has been 5 deaths that I know of in the past several days. No one that was close to me, but still some have affected me emotionally. Most notably was the tragic suicide of a friend's sister. I didn't know her sister personally, but just seeing the heartbreak it's caused her is enough to affect anyone with a heart. It makes me think of my own sister, still battling cancer, and how I could potentially loose her has well. Truly something I hope I never have to deal with. Another was a regular at the diner. A sweet older lady who passed quite suddenly. She had medical problems but it was still quite a shock. Yet another...and this one made me sad oddly enough, was one of the town drunks...I'm going to miss seeing him parked out on the bench across from the tattoo shop. He was one of the many that we wanted to make into a series of Cobleskill trading cards...the weirdos in this town are too fabulous not to share with each other. Anyway...long story short...a very strange week. Left me feeling "off" for lack of a better word.
On a more positive chest piece if FINALLY complete...

that was a four month headache for Pat and I and now it's done and over and I never have to do it again..well...minus a few small touch ups that Pat insists on doing where the ink came out...excuse the horrible cropping was midnight and photoshop was being a real bitch...
I've been working on a few projects as well...just random things...a patchwork scarf to use up a bunch of yarn scraps, as well as a decoupage job on my night stand shelf. It was so drab and boring that it needed a makeover. My sewing table, which is rarely used for sewing, is absolutely trashed at the moment.
Which means the bedroom floor is trashed as well with all my jewelry and random scatterings strewn about. Pat hasn't said anything, but I can see his eye ball twitching. Poor dear. I drive him bonkers. He retaliates well though with endless bouts of rambling on fly fishing and the various species of trout in the Schoharie Creek. Evil evil man...
Well..not that evil..he bought me a wonderful book for Valentines Day. It's called "The Book Of Botanical Prints" and is chock full of beautiful lithographs from the 1600's. I bought him a mint condition vintage straight razor. We're such a romantic couple :P I even made him marshmallows...I think we are officially both addicted to them and my require a twelve step in the future.
On a final mom has surprised me twice in the past few weeks. She stopped by last week with a gift for me.
A doll she made...most appropriately named "Splat" I was so happy to have something that she actually made. And then she surprised me yet again with the little gingham doll on the right. That is a genuine Lolly Doll by Fisher Price from the mid-seventies. I had one ever since I was a baby and sadly she was lost when I left Arizona and my ex threw most of my belongings away...grrrr...I was really heartbroken that she was gone...
My mother being the bestest mom in the world completed her very first purchase on Ebay and bought me another. I was so touched I cried. And Pat has discovered that I tuck both Splat and Lolly, along with Mr. Pig, in at night along side the bed...and he has given me a "look"
whatever...i'm not the one who decided it was a good idea to spray paint wooded lures INSIDE THE HOUSE...
Friday, January 16, 2009
I've totally been neglecting my blog as of late...I've been neglecting most things in my life actually, other than my animals and Pat, of course. But I've just felt thoroughly disgusted with life in general lately. Work absolutely sucks...there is so much political bullshit that goes on in that little diner it's unbelievable. I've never worked somewhere where there is SO MUCH cattiness. The backstabbing is unreal. It really makes you discouraged to even get out of bed knowing that you have to in and deal with it every day. Waiting tables is bad enough, but it can be fun if your coworkers make it so. But I just feel emotionally drained by the time I get home from all the tension that I experience there. It's just getting worse too.
Which leaves me desiring new employment. Which is a problem living in upstate NY where it's rural and work is few and far between unless you want to commute (which I do not) And I'm fed up with the usual jobs open to me. Either food service or retail. Bleh...I'm at the point in my life where I feel I should be going somewhere rather than stuck in a dead end job. I don't have a college degree...I dropped out 3 times, mostly for financial reasons, and now I don't even want to go back to complete what I was studying. And I'm to the point where the thought of sitting in class with individuals 10 years younger than me just makes me want to gag. I'm so over the whole "college experience". I was over it before I ever took my first course. I've considered online degrees...but what to take...I'm completely apathetic to life at this point. Nothing seems to hold my interest.
Even my Etsy shop has left me fed up and uninterested. I find it hard to update it or want to work on any craft projects..even for my own benefit. I'm to a point where I feel a mid-life crisis coming on...but it's about 15 years too early. I'm already covered in tattoos and i can't afford a where does that leave me??? Some serious self-reflection is in order...I wish I had at least one friend here that I could sit down with a cup of coffee and talk to. Mine are all across the country on the west makes for a lonely winter.
My apologies for the pity party...
Which leaves me desiring new employment. Which is a problem living in upstate NY where it's rural and work is few and far between unless you want to commute (which I do not) And I'm fed up with the usual jobs open to me. Either food service or retail. Bleh...I'm at the point in my life where I feel I should be going somewhere rather than stuck in a dead end job. I don't have a college degree...I dropped out 3 times, mostly for financial reasons, and now I don't even want to go back to complete what I was studying. And I'm to the point where the thought of sitting in class with individuals 10 years younger than me just makes me want to gag. I'm so over the whole "college experience". I was over it before I ever took my first course. I've considered online degrees...but what to take...I'm completely apathetic to life at this point. Nothing seems to hold my interest.
Even my Etsy shop has left me fed up and uninterested. I find it hard to update it or want to work on any craft projects..even for my own benefit. I'm to a point where I feel a mid-life crisis coming on...but it's about 15 years too early. I'm already covered in tattoos and i can't afford a where does that leave me??? Some serious self-reflection is in order...I wish I had at least one friend here that I could sit down with a cup of coffee and talk to. Mine are all across the country on the west makes for a lonely winter.
My apologies for the pity party...
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