So I feel that I've been neglecting my blog a bit...ok..A LOT. I can't even keep up with 30 days of pictures. Partially my job was to blame. It left me exhausted and irritable most of the time. Now that I'm back in school, and unemployed for the most part, my creative energy is slowly coming back to me. Good thing too, what with the holidays just around the corner.
Recently I've been sitting at my deck glaring at this rather cumbersome basket on top of my yarn/fabric shelf. It's heaping with left over yarn scraps. Various weights, textures, colors just sitting there collecting dust. I finally decided to rummage through it and plucked one ball out and cast on an undetermined number of stitches and just began knitting. I actually had a blast just knitting together mismatched pieces. It was originally going to be a scarf, but once I reached about a third of "scarf" length I decided to try a cowl instead.
This is what I ended up with....
I didn't really get the whole craze of them before..but once I put that snuggly thing on I didn't want to take it off...but it was really hot I did eventually. I've just finished the shell to a little hand bag. It still needs a liner and frills. I've started on another cowl this evening. We'll see how long this obsession lasts until my ADD kicks in and it's on to something else.