I'll have a shop update within the next few days...I have a whole stack of items that need to be photographed, but I've discovered I can only get decent photos in my apartment between the hours of 9am-11am on a sunny day along the west wall of my bedroom...and unfortunately it's been rather cloudy and rainy here all week. The first sunny morning we get I'll jump on those photos.
Squeaker is still hanging in there...he's on subcutaneous fluid therapy at home now...so once a week Pat and I have to hook him up to his IV bag and give him 200ML of fluid to help with the chronic dehydration. He's still drinking good and eating okay...lost a little more weight :( But he's a trooper.
And on a side note...I finally caved and bought myself a stellar new pair of knee high leather boots by London Underground...and after a WHOLE 3 times of wearing them...little Miss Gretta rat decided to chew a hole in the toe.
I'm off to the store for a leather repair kit....