It's actually been a rather strange week...there has been 5 deaths that I know of in the past several days. No one that was close to me, but still some have affected me emotionally. Most notably was the tragic suicide of a friend's sister. I didn't know her sister personally, but just seeing the heartbreak it's caused her is enough to affect anyone with a heart. It makes me think of my own sister, still battling cancer, and how I could potentially loose her has well. Truly something I hope I never have to deal with. Another was a regular at the diner. A sweet older lady who passed quite suddenly. She had medical problems but it was still quite a shock. Yet another...and this one made me sad oddly enough, was one of the town drunks...I'm going to miss seeing him parked out on the bench across from the tattoo shop. He was one of the many that we wanted to make into a series of Cobleskill trading cards...the weirdos in this town are too fabulous not to share with each other. Anyway...long story short...a very strange week. Left me feeling "off" for lack of a better word.
On a more positive chest piece if FINALLY complete...

that was a four month headache for Pat and I and now it's done and over and I never have to do it again..well...minus a few small touch ups that Pat insists on doing where the ink came out...excuse the horrible cropping was midnight and photoshop was being a real bitch...
I've been working on a few projects as well...just random things...a patchwork scarf to use up a bunch of yarn scraps, as well as a decoupage job on my night stand shelf. It was so drab and boring that it needed a makeover. My sewing table, which is rarely used for sewing, is absolutely trashed at the moment.
Which means the bedroom floor is trashed as well with all my jewelry and random scatterings strewn about. Pat hasn't said anything, but I can see his eye ball twitching. Poor dear. I drive him bonkers. He retaliates well though with endless bouts of rambling on fly fishing and the various species of trout in the Schoharie Creek. Evil evil man...
Well..not that evil..he bought me a wonderful book for Valentines Day. It's called "The Book Of Botanical Prints" and is chock full of beautiful lithographs from the 1600's. I bought him a mint condition vintage straight razor. We're such a romantic couple :P I even made him marshmallows...I think we are officially both addicted to them and my require a twelve step in the future.
On a final mom has surprised me twice in the past few weeks. She stopped by last week with a gift for me.
A doll she made...most appropriately named "Splat" I was so happy to have something that she actually made. And then she surprised me yet again with the little gingham doll on the right. That is a genuine Lolly Doll by Fisher Price from the mid-seventies. I had one ever since I was a baby and sadly she was lost when I left Arizona and my ex threw most of my belongings away...grrrr...I was really heartbroken that she was gone...
My mother being the bestest mom in the world completed her very first purchase on Ebay and bought me another. I was so touched I cried. And Pat has discovered that I tuck both Splat and Lolly, along with Mr. Pig, in at night along side the bed...and he has given me a "look"
whatever...i'm not the one who decided it was a good idea to spray paint wooded lures INSIDE THE HOUSE...