I've been a bit busy the past week with work. One of our gals was away for 2 weeks to Hawaii...grrrrr....so the schedule was a bit wonky. I spent any of my precious free time working on a few projects and doing a little thrifting for myself and for the Shop. I found some pretty good stuff this week. I kept most of it, of course...but there are a few good things I just updated to Etsy. I also added the completed work that resulted from this disaster....
Can we say...Federal Disaster Area. I was up late last night putting the room back together before Pat's head exploded. I think some of my stuff was creeping onto his half of the room. But anyway...this is what I was making...
ANGRY BUTTERFLY PINCUSHIONS!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
They're up in the shop now for sale...they need a new home...because, to be rather frank...i can't control them. They're so temperamental...
Other than that..it's just work work and more work...but I see I have 3 days off next week from the diner so I'm going to definitely utilize that time for some more projects I have bouncing around in my noggin. I just collected a beautiful pile of autumn leaves this morning and I must find something to do with them.